Turning ‘being adrift’ into an adventure

The ‘pandemic of 2020’ has disrupted our personal and work lives. For some, this disruption has been to be cut adrift, to be untethered, from an organisation or employment.

So much daily structure, personal identity, and validation comes from having a job. To be adrift is functionally unsettling: routines are lost; skills are not used; and activities remain undone. It’s emotionally destabilising: there’s a shame element to say “I’m unemployed”, is if my value ceased when nobody nor an organisational identity, is seeing and utilising the value I have to contribute. In being adrift, it’s also to lose touch with resources and opportunities to gain personal value and contribute value. You are lost in limbo.

Actually, that’s just one perspective.

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Helen Palmer, Founder of Self unLimited, has not followed a traditional path in her ‘career’, nor does she intend to. It’s been her personal experience that she’s made plans, then life happened and things went in a direction that wasn’t anticipated. As a consequence she’s fascinated by the emergent and serendipitous approach to life and work. She thinks about ways to help others navigate the future of work, given the ambiguous possibilities and opportunities if there is courage to take that journey. And for good measure, she likes to inject humour and originality into her work.


(Amended) Photo by Jeremy Ducray on Unsplash
