How to leave a job: A. Making a decision to leave

There’s much advice written about How to get a job. Not a lot about How to leave a job.

There’s a couple aspects to this activity:
A. Making a decision to leave (though sometimes this decision might be made for you)
B. Exiting yourself from the job
C. Transitioning to a new job

We cover them in a 3-part series. This is the first part on making a decision to leave.

A. Making a decision to leave

You aren’t happy in your workscape. There’s much discontent. What will you do?

Is leaving the right decision for me?

A common reason for people to leave a job is that they are not getting what they want or hoped for from the job or the organisation. When frustrations are high, it seems the only option is to leave.

Changing jobs is a high-energy activity and can cause disruption to your life – which isn’t to say it’s a reason to avoid taking this step, simply that it might not be the first option to consider. There may be less energy to spend but greater results to achieve by changing some things – right where you are.

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Helen Palmer, Founder of Self unLimited, has not followed a traditional path in her ‘career’, nor does she intend to. It’s been her personal experience that she’s made plans, then life happened and things went in a direction that wasn’t anticipated. As a consequence she’s fascinated by the emergent and serendipitous approach to life and work. She thinks about ways to help others navigate the future of work, given the ambiguous possibilities and opportunities if there is courage to take that journey. And for good measure, she likes to inject humour and originality into her work.


(Amended) Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash
