The need for self-care in your workscape

Care needs to begin with self – just like the putting on of a mask in an airplane. When flying we are reminded to attend to our own oxygen masks first – to take care of ourselves – before assisting with others. There’s a clear reason for this, we can only give appropriate care, if we receive it ourselves. It’s the same thinking we need to have in our workscapes.

As the Sovereign of Helen unLimited, I have declared that self-care is important for me in my workscape. I have utilised the responsibility of RULES to define what actions to take that align with the value of self-care for me and others.  I have utilised the responsibility of RENEWAL to ensure that those actions are part of my everyday practice in how I manage my energies and respond to challenging situations.

I also recognise that my wellbeing is connected to those who I live and work with. So in taking care of myself, I directly and indirectly affect others positively by my actions.

Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.
~ Katie Reed


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Helen Palmer, Founder of Self unLimited, will get on a soapbox and preach to anyone who will listen about priortising self-care at work. She’s experienced the negatives and the positives from her own behaviour, and not surprisingly, finds she does better work when she’s following positive self-care practices. In all her collaborative endeavours, she does her best to get everyone attending to their own and mutual well-being because it creates happier workplaces and more satisfying work experiences.

(Amended) Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
