Take the lead in your feedback seeking activity

Much is written on giving feedback; some is written on receiving feedback; less is written on actively seeking feedback. This article is an extension of taking control of your feedback experience by putting you in the driver’s seat about deciding what feedback is valuable and how to get that. You can be a person who actively…

Activate your activism with your values

The world today is full of needs—urgent, diverse, and complex. The UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development offer a powerful vision for what’s required to build a better future. Faced with these vast goals, you might feel overwhelmed or unsure where to start as you activate your activism. Yet, within each of us lies the…

Staying afloat as you navigate the AI revolution at work

Your workscape is being disrupted, in ways that are seen and unseen, by a fast-moving Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. As sovereign of your workscape – now is an important moment to understand what’s happening and what steps will take you forward in your own workscape. With the ever-increasing presence of AI, work is being reshaped…

A tale of a diverse workscape

Once upon a time in a bustling medium-sized city, there lived a woman named Mia. Mia was a dedicated business analyst at a local bank, a mother of two lively children, and a daughter to an aging father with dementia. Despite her seemingly full plate, Mia often found herself gazing out the window of her…

The power of Fourth-Dimensional Networking

In a world increasingly driven by connections and collaborative ventures, the ability to effectively network has never been more crucial. However, despite the wealth of networking advice and strategies available, many people find themselves stuck in the rut of conventional networking methods. This article introduces a more advanced and dynamic approach: Fourth-Dimensional Networking. Moving beyond…

Crafting conversations for deeper connection

It takes skill and intention to treat others with the consideration they desire, and in today’s world, this understanding and effort have never been more important. At the heart of meaningful interactions and relationships is the recognition that everyone desires to be seen and heard – to be acknowledged and valued not just for what…

The power of journal writing

Do you ever overpack? When it comes to travel do you pack light or are you like me where going away for a weekend can often look like I’ll be taking up a new residence for at least 3 months. Just-in-case is a weakness of mine and because of it, I have entered into a…

Mixing kindness into your workscape

Growing or developing in a work context is usually about skill and performance of vocational ability. How about extending this attention to emotional or psycho-social ability, like the character and practice of kindness?  How might you mix a cocktail of work activity with a strong serving of kindness? Setting your intentions It starts with intention.…

Unlock your inner podcaster: A step-by-step guide to content creation

In a world buzzing with podcasts, have you ever considered trying your hand at creating your own? Podcasting is a fantastic way to share your thoughts, ideas, and interests with the world, or even just with a private audience of friends and family. It is one way to create content to express yourself and show…

Negotiating for your dream workscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the lines between our professional and personal lives are blurring, giving rise to a new breed of career-minded individuals. We are the dreamers who seek to lead ourselves through the maze of work life and decisions, striving for a harmonious blend of a fulfilling job, side hustles, and the…

Sovereignty over your workscape

I propose to you, that you are a Sovereign over your workscape. Now, before you go running for the hills, or to a jeweller to get a crown made – let’s explore what I mean and why I think this is an important thing for you to contemplate. What is your sovereignty Firstly, a bit…

Help wanted: Seeking help effectively

Much is written extoling the virtue of helping others and how to do this. All useful stuff. This article is about seeking the help of others: Because others don’t always know if and when you need or want help; or know what help would be useful to provide. It’s a useful skill to develop in…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 3

Feeling scratchy? Just a little – not enough to leave your job – but enough that you’d like to spice things up in the organisation where you are working. Maybe intrapreneurship is something to give a go. In Part 1 of this series of 3 articles, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 2

So you have an entrepreneurial itch? Here’s something that might help you with that. This is Part 2 of a series of 3 articles: In Part 1, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being entrepreneurial for yourself while being an employee of an organisation. In this article (Part 2), let’s explore scratching your…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 1

Want to do something more than you are currently doing? Got ideas that float around in your head but they aren’t something for your current workplace? Not concerned about getting wide-spread approval for your idea? You may have latent potential to be an …. Entrepreneur! What’s that you say!? The term “entrepreneur” was introduced by…