Activities to do

Learn new skills and practices in being Self unLimited from this collection of free Activities to do.
These are some of the ways you can design your workscape and design your life at work.




What criteria do I use to make decisions about which work I will accept or continue to do?

My Expectations Checklist
When you start a new job, there is lots of excitement, hope, and often undeclared expectations about what you will get from the job. Use this activity to define them, and to re-evaluate during difficult times. #REIGN


What new thoughts could I stimulate for my workscape?

Ponderfy Cards
A tactile tool (deck of 52 cards) by Lena Ross/#changehacks to nudge mindsets playfully in a busy world. #REIGN #RENEWAL


What value do I want to contribute in my workscape? What value do I want to create in the world for myself and others?

Value Exchange Ledger
In reigning over your Self unLimited, you can be guided by what Value you want created in your workscape for you.  Purchase the Card Set with Instruction booklet to explore what is Value to you and whether you are getting/creating that Value. #REIGN #REVENUE   

For a guided conversation on Value Exchange, consider a Coaching session with complimentary cards.


How do I wisely use my intangible resource of time?

Activity-Time Budget
This technique helps you use your precious, finite resource of time wisely in activities that are the most valuable for your work. #RESOURCES


What can I do to enrich and appreciate relationships in my workscape?

Recommendations for Others
One way to strengthen your relationships is to publicly show your genuine appreciation for how their talents and experience have had a positive impact on your workscape. Use this activity to easily turn your gratitude into something tangible like a written recommendation. #RELATIONSHIPS 


What resources do I need to work well in my workscape? What do I have? What do I need to get?

Workscape Resources Audit and Budget
In being responsible for Self unLimited, you will have and acquire resources. Use this activity to make choices about what resources you want, and how much you are willing to spend to access those resources. #RESOURCES


What relationships can offer me the opportunity to acquire new knowledge?

Personal Learning Network (PDF)
A social way to create and access learning opportunities is to create a Personal learning Network. Lena Ross #changehacks provides advice of how to do this. #RENEWAL #RELATIONSHIPS

The green icons and the hashtags (i.e. #REIGN) represent one of the seven Responsibilities of being Self unLimited.

Premium Resources

For Folkscape Members there are additional free Premium Resources – normally only available through a paid Learning Option.

This premium content is restricted to logged in Folkscape Members only. Please login or signup to the Folkscape Community to view.

Ready for more? Our book contains different Activities that you can work on by yourself or alongside the guidance of a master adventurer/coach.

  Buy the book  

This collection is a small taste of the many Activities we have created and curated for people on Self unLimited adventures. You can get access to these other Activities through our Learning Options.

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