Activity: Value Exchange Ledger (Employee)

NB: The instructions on this page are a copy of the basic instructions that come in a booklet with the Card Set.


People often say they want to work with, or for, someone where they feel valued. However, value isn’t the same thing for everyone. What things are evidence that you are being valued? What is valuable to you when it comes to the work you do?

In a work context it is easy to think of MONEY as the dominant value that you get in exchange for your work. In reality, there are many things that represent value to all parties. This activity provides a way for talking about different kinds of value. Learn more about the idea of Value Exchange in workscapes.



Card Set (purchase from us)
Cards represent Value Elements from an Employee perspective.
ORANGE elements are for Value OUT – value you claim or create for yourself or create for others
BLUE elements are for Value IN – value you own and have that you contribute.

Ledger Sheet
A printed sheet comes with the cards. When you need a fresh sheet, download free A4 version from website, available in English and Dutch.

These instructions are for you to do this activity by yourself. There are two perspectives: Desired and Current. Do only Desired; or both to explore the difference.
If you’d like assistance in doing this activity, talk to us about a coaching session.



A. Create ‘Desired’ Value Perspective

1. From Orange cards, chose 5-6 Value elements for what you want OUT of your workscape.

Use prompts below to explore OUT Value elements not in the deck. Write a new Value Element on a blank card.

Prompts for additional OUT elements

  • I feel I’m getting value for what I provide or invest when I get X in return.
  • I would sacrifice value like MONEY and TIME, if I could get X in return.
  • When I’m disappointed and feel I’m not getting value, what I’m not getting is actually X.
  • When I choose to get involved with something, it’s because I hope that I’ll gain X value.

2. For Value Elements in OUT column, place on ledger sorted from highest to lowest value to you.

3. From Blue cards, chose 5-6 Value Elements for what you want to put IN to your workscape.

Use prompts below to explore IN Value Elements not in the deck. Write a new Value Element on blank card (or a sticky note).

Prompts for additional IN elements

  • I feel positive and energised when I can contribute X value to my employer.
  • When I believe that my employer is appreciating me, what they are getting from me is X value.
  • When I write an application or proposal to do work, I am pleased to say an employer can expect X value from me.

4. For Value Elements in IN column, place on ledger sorted from highest to lowest value to you.

5. For all elements in both columns, write details of what this element means for you on a sticky note.

6. Capture a copy of this ledger, e.g. take a photo.

7. Look at this ledger and consider these questions:

  • Is there a balance of the ledger across IN and OUT columns in what I desire? If not, what would I change?
  • How much value OUT do I want to get, for the value you might contribute or put IN?
  • How much value IN do I want to contribute for the value I might get OUT?


This next perspective is optional.

B. Create ‘Current’ Value Perspective

Redo steps 1-7 for a second ledger to represent your current experience of value exchanged.

Look at this ledger and consider these questions:

  • Am I happy with current balance of the ledger across the IN and OUT columns? If not, what would I change?
  • How much value OUT am I actually getting, for the value I contribute or put IN?
  • How much value IN am I contributing, for the value I am getting OUT?
  • What issues have arisen in my work situation that might result from an unbalanced ledger?


 Compare Desired and Current Value Perspectives

  • What is the difference between what I desire and my current experience?
  • Am I actually getting the value OUT that I desire (breadth and depth)?
  • Am I actually contributing the value IN that I desire (breadth and depth)?


NB: You may do A. and B. in reverse order: Sometimes its good to start with the Current Perspective and see what you’d like to change. Particularly if there is a need to appreciate what you DO have working for you before exploring what might not be working for you.


With a good understanding of your Value Perspectives you can take the next step to plan how you will create the value you seek (OUT) and how you will add value with the value you are willing to contribute (IN). See Activity: Value Creation Planning.


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This content is released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence so it can be freely shared with attribution to the creator (Questo); it cannot be used for commercial purposes; and it cannot be modified.