Episode 08: Spread the word
This is the eighth episode of The Life and Times of Mike – Navigating a Scenario 2 workscape
The word is getting out about what Mike is doing and he’s feeling good about the journey
We’ve booked our first gig!
I’ve started telling people – the neighbours, the guys at work – and putting up stuff about it on Facebook (I’ve told the guys in the band to do the same thing and invite everyone they know).
Lots of people have told me they’re coming – should be a good crowd – and it’s really exciting to know I’ll be performing in front of so many people I know as well as a bunch of strangers (and, hey, a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet). It’s really nice, actually, to know that so many people support me. Over the years of working as a Factory Supervisor, trying to be a good friend and neighbour, volunteering on the kids’ sports teams, I can see that I did build up the sort of reputation where people want to support me and have confidence in me to do something good. I’m hoping that some of them will also help me get the word out – refer me for gigs at private functions, pass the band’s business card along, even write some reviews for my Facebook page or website.
And it’s a great feeling that now they know the other side of me – the musician, the creative person. That’s awesome.
My partner suggested that I ask my Uncle for a testimonial – just a few lines that I can put online. I played at his wedding a couple of years ago and he loved it. Actually, I could ask a few people who have seen me play over the years what they thought – it might help me work on my own sales pitch. I’m glad I emailed them all about the band, and included a bit of a blurb, because now they know how to spruik us to their networks.
I used that email to also explain exactly what I was doing – how the band was a side gig that is happening alongside my normal job. I don’t want any gossip getting around that I’m thinking of quitting.
One of the guys at work told me he’s really impressed about how I’m ‘doing something different.’ He suggested I share my story with others at the factory. Self unLimited has really helped me, so I’d be glad to share what I’ve learnt – and of course, they don’t have to do a side-gig to get benefit. I could reach out to the people at Self unLimited to have a chat about a lunchtime introduction session.
Self unLimited continues to be really helpful to me. The latest monthly newsletter reminded me about the Folkscape Community, which I’ve decided I’m going to join. The newsletter also told me about a podcast of another person doing a side-gig – I listened to it and it was really inspirational. Reminded me to have lots of fun in what I’m doing with the music gig.
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(Amended) Photo by Andrew Measham on Unsplash