Learning for Self unLimited

Ready to take your own Self unLimited learning journey?

Typical participants include:

  • Students supplementing their tertiary education with professional life skills
  • Graduates (secondary or tertiary) starting their working life
  • Experienced employees pondering big changes
  • Retirees redefining their waking hours
  • Individuals adrift between gigs or in a state of unemployment

They all have one thing in common – a strong desire for change in their personal workscape.

The world is what you think of it. So think of it differently and your life will change.
~ Paul Arden

What you gain from our learning

Confidence in Self

Hear your inner voice and use it to shape a workscape you confidently inhabit and lead.

Progress in your career

Able to embrace experiences that accelerate you out of the status quo and put you on a positive trajectory.

Resolutions for work challenges

Get useful resolutions when working through challenges at work.

Prepared for changing workscapes

Gain essential skills, tools and strategies to reuse as you nimbly navigate a constantly changing workscape.

Learning Options

For individuals. A selection of self-directed online learning options. Learn at own place, own pace and in own time.

Overseen by an accredited SU Coach.

For individuals in small group. 
A public program in a virtual location. A private organisation session in a physical or virtual location. Four 2-hour workshops over eight weeks.

Led by an accredited SU Facilitator.

For a single individual only. 
A public or private organisation session in a virtual location. 60-90 min session; single or package of sessions.

Guided by an accredited SU Coach.

For small to medium size teams. 
A private organisation session in a physical or virtual location. Option of 60-90 minutes.

Led by an accredited SU Facilitator.

For individuals in small or medium group. A public or private organisation series in a physical or virtual location.
3-4 sessions of 45 minutes.

Led by an accredited SU Facilitator.

For individuals or team in small group. A public session or private organisation session in a phsyical location. 

Led by an accredited SU Facilitator.

Learning Commons

To support our of our learning options, we have an online Learning Commons. This is restricted space within the Folkscape Community for those who are registered and participating in a learning option as learners, facilitators or coaches.

Learning materials are hosted here as well as links to other useful parts of the Folkscape Community that can support your learning activity. It’s part of the holistic approach we take to learning by self and with others.

Words from past participants

For me this program was about reviewing how I perceived myself vs. how others perceived me; defining a “theme” for how to talk about my work journey; and, at the time when I felt stuck, mapping out a plan of practical steps for the next 2-3 months to get unstuck. It’s stuff I knew but I became committed to make it happen. It’s been a few years now since I first was introduced to Self unLimited and I still apply the principles to my career journey.

~ Lisa Weber

The workshop gave me what I came looking for – confidence that what I’m doing is the right thing to be doing; and additional ideas to shape my next moves. It helped me come to terms with guilt I’d felt for wanting to move on. I’ve also appreciated the extension of my ‘village’ and meeting new people – it’s nice to know I’m not alone in wanting something more.

~ Marnie Bristow

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