eLearning with Self unLimited

We strongly believe in self-directed learning. We offer a growing range of eLearning programs that give you access to exclusive activities and resources to develop your abilities in being Self unLimited. Programs, designed by Founder Helen Palmer, are organised as collection of lessons for you to complete as is relevant to your situation.

Learn at your own place, at your own pace and in your own time. Programs are on-demand, so start anytime.


You can’t go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.

~ C S Lewis

Public programs

Note: Prices are in AUD, GST included; for international orders GST is omitted.


Full programs

Substantive learning opportunities consisting of a range of activity-based lessons that target particular concerns or questions.


First Steps for Self unLimited

17 lessons in a defined learning pathway; 120 days access.

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Micro programs

Small learning opportunities consisting of 1-2 activity-based lessons that target particular concerns or questions.


Creating a Valuable Workscape

A two-lesson micro-program on defining value to contribute, create or claim in your workscape; 35 days access.

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Experiment for One

A two-lesson micro-program on designing and doing workscape experiments; 35 days access.

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Develop and Enrich Self in your Workscape

A single-lesson micro-program on shaping personal plans for learning and development; 25 days access.

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Self-care for Everyday and Emergencies

A single-lesson micro-program focusing on personal self-care practices; 25 days access.

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Private programs

If you’re a group or an organisation seeking an eLearning option for your people, we can create a special instance of the public programs just for you.

We can also create a customised version of an eLearning program tailored to the specific learning needs of your group. This customised learning experience can be a blend of eLearning and private gatherings with a Self unLimited Coach.

Let’s talk about what might be a good fit for you! Contact us for a no-obligation chat.