Our People

Self unLimited is a collection of knowledge that comes from special people, and is expressed in the lives of exceptional people. 


It started with Helen Palmer, Founder and Author. It’s her journey, her insights and lessons-learned that were translated into something others could use. With the input of others, she curates a growing collection of usable knowledge to apply.

Helen found some remarkable people with enthusiasm and desire to actively promote Self unLimited in their workscapes. We honour them as Ambassadors for the Self unLimited idea.

We have experienced Coaches who use unique Self unLimited materials in assisting their clients. We welcome additional coaches.*


We seek experienced learning Facilitators, with a deep Self unLimited sensibility, who are keen to offer the pre-designed Self unLimited workshops and professional development sessions to their clients.*

* There is an process for checking each other out and gaining approved status. Contact Helen if you are interested.