Contribute Content to our Collections
The Self unLimited collections are rich in knowledge and thought, in order to inspire, inform and influence personal change for better experiences of work.
You are invited to propose a contribution to any of the collections. For the range of collections, see Resources Library.
We are interested in well-written pieces that connect with our community of Self unLimited adventurers, particularly pieces that provoke stimulating conversation and shifts in thought and action. For guidance on the creation of valued content, see Editorial Guidelines.
Current topics we are particularly interested in are:
- Reflective practice for learning and growth
- Developing your character and presence (not just your reputation)
- Being creative and colourful in how you present yourself and your work to others
- Protocols and etiquette for relationship building in online world
- Experiments in leading self in action and social learning
- Managing personal focus and attention with so many distractions and distractors
- Creating opportunities for self outside of a job/organisation
- Doing collaborative ventures within community outside of a job/organisation
- Diversifying sources of income
- Being mindful about what resources you can access and use to do your best work
- Managing and caring for your tools of trade (whatever they may be)
- Creating value personally for others, for society, in your workplace.
- Being fiscally responsible and literate
- Knowing your fiscal value in the marketplace
- Having difficult conversations and negotiating for what’s important to you
- Actively shaping self to be a great team mate