The power of Fourth-Dimensional Networking

In a world increasingly driven by connections and collaborative ventures, the ability to effectively network has never been more crucial. However, despite the wealth of networking advice and strategies available, many people find themselves stuck in the rut of conventional networking methods. This article introduces a more advanced and dynamic approach: Fourth-Dimensional Networking. Moving beyond…

Crafting conversations for deeper connection

It takes skill and intention to treat others with the consideration they desire, and in today’s world, this understanding and effort have never been more important. At the heart of meaningful interactions and relationships is the recognition that everyone desires to be seen and heard – to be acknowledged and valued not just for what…

I’m not doing email, I’m relating with people

I’m not new to digital technology for communication. I’ve been on social media now for about two decades. Starting with Facebook in Feb 2006, followed by LinkedIn in 2008, blogging, Twitter and then Instagram. I’ve had a personal email account since about 1994, and I’ve been using email in a work context since about 1992.…

Learning to share; sharing to learn

What do you do with the knowledge and insights that you have? I’ve recently come to value a habit or practice of mine that I thought was normal but now realise is unique. I’d like to share it with you and invite you to join me in a world-changing behaviour! Can you recall a moment…

Welcome aboard your flight to the Future of Work

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Your Work Airways on this flight from the Present to the Future of Work. Before we take off there are a few preparations I’d like to run you through to minimise anxiety and maximise possibility on your journey. You might note that our plane is not yet fully built, such…

Navigating the space between gigs

One of the times we need to be courageous, compassionate and connected in the world of work and business is when we are ‘between gigs’. In a world of work where our identity is often strongly tied to the title and workplace we currently inhabit – to have neither can seem to have lost status…