Unlock your inner podcaster: A step-by-step guide to content creation

In a world buzzing with podcasts, have you ever considered trying your hand at creating your own? Podcasting is a fantastic way to share your thoughts, ideas, and interests with the world, or even just with a private audience of friends and family. It is one way to create content to express yourself and show…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 3

Feeling scratchy? Just a little – not enough to leave your job – but enough that you’d like to spice things up in the organisation where you are working. Maybe intrapreneurship is something to give a go. In Part 1 of this series of 3 articles, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being…

How I finished my book project

“If you think you can, or can’t – you are right.” – Henry Ford, 1947   I thought my first draft of my book was terrible, and I probably would have stopped there if it wasn’t for Stuart. I have written many words over the years in my various blog posts, and I had been…

The best laid plans

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” ~ Robert Burns A few years ago, I heard a speaker during one of those leadership conferences talking about their Plan A and Plan B. It was basically describing their practical job (Plan B) and their “dream career” (Plan A). They mentioned that they…


Dictionaries provide useful definitions of creativity. Wiser souls offer their own wonderful interpretations – e.g., Ken Robinson describes creativity as “…the process of having original ideas which have value.” Mulling over how I play with and apply creativity, in my life, I’d like to share my version. Recently, I’ve been in reflection/musing mode. Mostly through…

On deflated footballs and ugly ducklings

I wish I’d taken my phone with me on my walk beside Merri Creek early this morning. I would have liked to get a couple of photos. One was of a cyclist who had zipped his whippet snugly into his backpack. The idea pleased me: I feel that all cyclists should have a whippet in…

Check if feedback is what they really want

Making creative work can be a lonely business, certainly for people working by themselves on a book or composition or artwork or some other solo enterprise, but even for people who are a part of a small team of collaborators who are just – ‘just’? – seeing the same people and hearing the same voices…

Burning out or boring out?

Being bored only proves what inspires you, therefore what you enjoy. ~ Bob Kenerson (my father), said many times in my childhood It felt like déjà vu all over again. Ground hog day. The same work projects ticked along day after day, week after week. I was comfortable in my job, enjoying the team I…