Letting intuition take the wheel

Four years ago I was listening to the radio while driving at work. The news at the top of the hour chattered away while I was thinking about, I guess, work stuff. The announcer finished one story, took a breath and began the next. It was at that point that everything they said suddenly became…

Welcome to the green room

I was recently talking to someone and found myself using the green room as an analogy for a period of waiting. Green rooms came into being in the world of theatre; they are rooms backstage where performers hang out while they’re waiting to perform, sort of like a theatrical lounge room. I used to be…

Check if feedback is what they really want

Making creative work can be a lonely business, certainly for people working by themselves on a book or composition or artwork or some other solo enterprise, but even for people who are a part of a small team of collaborators who are just – ‘just’? – seeing the same people and hearing the same voices…

The need for self-care in your workscape

Care needs to begin with self – just like the putting on of a mask in an airplane. When flying we are reminded to attend to our own oxygen masks first – to take care of ourselves – before assisting with others. There’s a clear reason for this, we can only give appropriate care, if…

SU lens on Talent Trends Report: Part 2

This is the second article in a two-part series, as I shine a Self unLimited lens on the contents of the Annual Global Talent Trends Report (2020) published by Mercer. Read Part 1.   It’s great to have research to signal what talent trends are taking place and what responses might be appropriate to such…

Thriving People, Thriving Workscapes

Each September in Australia we have R U OK? Day  The mission of RU OK? is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. The initiative does a fabulous job raising awareness around mental health and helping people…

How to leave a job: A. Making a decision to leave

There’s much advice written about How to get a job. Not a lot about How to leave a job. There’s a couple aspects to this activity: A. Making a decision to leave (though sometimes this decision might be made for you) B. Exiting yourself from the job C. Transitioning to a new job We cover…

Ready to engage with a different workscape experience?

Self unLimited is not for the faint hearted. It’s a brave step to decide that you will take responsibility for the key decisions that will shape your workscape. Especially if it’s the first time you really feel you have control with those key decisions. And the decision doesn’t have to be ‘quit and start your…

A Break Up Letter to an Organisation

Dear John Pty Ltd Well, this is awkward. I’m not sure how to say this. But things haven’t been right for a while between us. We’ve had some stupid rows over cleaning up the mugs in the staff kitchen and where we should go for the Christmas party, little things like that. We just carry…