Get ready to shape an organisation’s conversation about EVP

  The limits of my language means the limits of my world. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein   Much is talked about in organisations about values. Less is talked about regarding value. Confused? This is a common situation. Values are something believed, followed, enacted and demonstrated. They are virtues, principles, philosophies about the world and what’s important…

So you want to work for the United Nations?

I never wanted to work for the United Nations. I didn’t understand exactly what they did or their value. I came across them while living and working in Rome, after having decided to stop off there for a while during a backpacking holiday in the early 90’s away from my home country of Australia. There…

The perks of being unavailable

“The perks of being unavailable” is the title [1] of a podcast episode in the series, What’s Essential by Greg McKeown. Greg and his work came to my attention last year when I read his book: Essentialism, The discipline of doing less. A key takeaway for me from the book was about boundaries. In particular,…

How to leave a job: A. Making a decision to leave

There’s much advice written about How to get a job. Not a lot about How to leave a job. There’s a couple aspects to this activity: A. Making a decision to leave (though sometimes this decision might be made for you) B. Exiting yourself from the job C. Transitioning to a new job We cover…

A Break Up Letter to an Organisation

Dear John Pty Ltd Well, this is awkward. I’m not sure how to say this. But things haven’t been right for a while between us. We’ve had some stupid rows over cleaning up the mugs in the staff kitchen and where we should go for the Christmas party, little things like that. We just carry…