Staying afloat as you navigate the AI revolution at work

Your workscape is being disrupted, in ways that are seen and unseen, by a fast-moving Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. As sovereign of your workscape – now is an important moment to understand what’s happening and what steps will take you forward in your own workscape. With the ever-increasing presence of AI, work is being reshaped…

The power of Fourth-Dimensional Networking

In a world increasingly driven by connections and collaborative ventures, the ability to effectively network has never been more crucial. However, despite the wealth of networking advice and strategies available, many people find themselves stuck in the rut of conventional networking methods. This article introduces a more advanced and dynamic approach: Fourth-Dimensional Networking. Moving beyond…

The power of journal writing

Do you ever overpack? When it comes to travel do you pack light or are you like me where going away for a weekend can often look like I’ll be taking up a new residence for at least 3 months. Just-in-case is a weakness of mine and because of it, I have entered into a…

Letting intuition take the wheel

Four years ago I was listening to the radio while driving at work. The news at the top of the hour chattered away while I was thinking about, I guess, work stuff. The announcer finished one story, took a breath and began the next. It was at that point that everything they said suddenly became…

Welcome to the green room

I was recently talking to someone and found myself using the green room as an analogy for a period of waiting. Green rooms came into being in the world of theatre; they are rooms backstage where performers hang out while they’re waiting to perform, sort of like a theatrical lounge room. I used to be…

On deflated footballs and ugly ducklings

I wish I’d taken my phone with me on my walk beside Merri Creek early this morning. I would have liked to get a couple of photos. One was of a cyclist who had zipped his whippet snugly into his backpack. The idea pleased me: I feel that all cyclists should have a whippet in…

I’m not doing email, I’m relating with people

I’m not new to digital technology for communication. I’ve been on social media now for about two decades. Starting with Facebook in Feb 2006, followed by LinkedIn in 2008, blogging, Twitter and then Instagram. I’ve had a personal email account since about 1994, and I’ve been using email in a work context since about 1992.…

The need for self-care in your workscape

Care needs to begin with self – just like the putting on of a mask in an airplane. When flying we are reminded to attend to our own oxygen masks first – to take care of ourselves – before assisting with others. There’s a clear reason for this, we can only give appropriate care, if…

SU lens on Talent Trends Report: Part 2

This is the second article in a two-part series, as I shine a Self unLimited lens on the contents of the Annual Global Talent Trends Report (2020) published by Mercer. Read Part 1.   It’s great to have research to signal what talent trends are taking place and what responses might be appropriate to such…

SU lens on Talent Trends Report: Part 1

I’ve recently read a report on 2020 Talent Trends from Mercer, and I think there’s insight and implications for employees. Mercer is a large HR consulting company. They do research and prepare advice for Executives and HR personnel to apply with employees. One recent form of advice came in their Annual Global Talent Trends Report…

Saying No

No. It’s a small word. It can have big impact. Are you using it effectively?   Me saying No to Others I say “No”. I say “No” to honour my values; to uphold my boundaries; and to focus my precious resources, and my intentions on what’s important. Earlier this year, I picked up a great book,…

Signals that it’s time to take stock

Work can play a big part in our lives. Our work can become a place for which we lose energy, interest and will. What are the signals that it’s time to take stock and see if you need to leave the path you are on, or do something different while walking your current path?  …

The spice of persistence

People tell you persistence is vital in creating your career narrative, but what does that look like? We all realise it is made up of keeping on despite the dips and is a vital factor in the eventual realisation of your vision, but, like many abstract ideas, it needs fleshing out to help you fully…

How to leave a job: C. Transitioning to a new job

This third article in a 3-part series about How to leave a job.  The first two articles are A. Making the decision to leave and B. Exiting yourself from the job.  This article focuses on the space of transitioning to a new job. C. Transitioning to a new job It’s like you’re swinging on trapezes –…

A value-based approach to shaping your workscape

People often say they want to work with, or for someone, where they feel valued. However, Value isn’t the same thing for everyone. What is Value specifically for you? What things are evidence that you are being valued? What is Valuable to you when it comes to the work you do? An Exchange of Value…