Take the lead in your feedback seeking activity

Much is written on giving feedback; some is written on receiving feedback; less is written on actively seeking feedback. This article is an extension of taking control of your feedback experience by putting you in the driver’s seat about deciding what feedback is valuable and how to get that. You can be a person who actively…

Staying afloat as you navigate the AI revolution at work

Your workscape is being disrupted, in ways that are seen and unseen, by a fast-moving Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. As sovereign of your workscape – now is an important moment to understand what’s happening and what steps will take you forward in your own workscape. With the ever-increasing presence of AI, work is being reshaped…

The power of journal writing

Do you ever overpack? When it comes to travel do you pack light or are you like me where going away for a weekend can often look like I’ll be taking up a new residence for at least 3 months. Just-in-case is a weakness of mine and because of it, I have entered into a…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 2

So you have an entrepreneurial itch? Here’s something that might help you with that. This is Part 2 of a series of 3 articles: In Part 1, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being entrepreneurial for yourself while being an employee of an organisation. In this article (Part 2), let’s explore scratching your…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 1

Want to do something more than you are currently doing? Got ideas that float around in your head but they aren’t something for your current workplace? Not concerned about getting wide-spread approval for your idea? You may have latent potential to be an …. Entrepreneur! What’s that you say!? The term “entrepreneur” was introduced by…

How I finished my book project

“If you think you can, or can’t – you are right.” – Henry Ford, 1947   I thought my first draft of my book was terrible, and I probably would have stopped there if it wasn’t for Stuart. I have written many words over the years in my various blog posts, and I had been…

The best laid plans

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” ~ Robert Burns A few years ago, I heard a speaker during one of those leadership conferences talking about their Plan A and Plan B. It was basically describing their practical job (Plan B) and their “dream career” (Plan A). They mentioned that they…

Moving On

A reflection one year on from Surviving bullying in the workplace   I was crouching in the corner of the living room last week and it dawned on me that my old workplace was perhaps the most insincere place I had ever been in, let alone worked in. I wasn’t crouching, crying or scared. I…

A big experiment in my workscape

The COVID-19 pandemic created conditions in which experimentation was a useful way to figure out how I might do things differently in my workscape. It is said that ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. In Jan 2021, I found myself contemplating a year ahead without clarity of what steps to take. In 2020 I had…

The need for self-care in your workscape

Care needs to begin with self – just like the putting on of a mask in an airplane. When flying we are reminded to attend to our own oxygen masks first – to take care of ourselves – before assisting with others. There’s a clear reason for this, we can only give appropriate care, if…

Cultivating the most important skill in life

A few years ago, whilst I was in an L&D leadership role at a large organisation, a graduate approached me in the kitchen. She got straight to the point, “I’ve been here for nine months and I haven’t had any learning” she said. I asked what she meant. What transpired was she hadn’t been sent…

Learning to share; sharing to learn

What do you do with the knowledge and insights that you have? I’ve recently come to value a habit or practice of mine that I thought was normal but now realise is unique. I’d like to share it with you and invite you to join me in a world-changing behaviour! Can you recall a moment…

The power of one word to feel better

Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to Bill. And not an eye in the room was tear-free! Bill’s an incredible human. He’s successfully recovered from a stroke. Now saying this doesn’t mean it was easy. It’s been a five-year journey and it continues. The particular story Bill shared was a powerful reminder of how…

Signals that it’s time to take stock

Work can play a big part in our lives. Our work can become a place for which we lose energy, interest and will. What are the signals that it’s time to take stock and see if you need to leave the path you are on, or do something different while walking your current path?  …

Thriving People, Thriving Workscapes

Each September in Australia we have R U OK? Day  The mission of RU OK? is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. The initiative does a fabulous job raising awareness around mental health and helping people…