Get ready to shape an organisation’s conversation about EVP

  The limits of my language means the limits of my world. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein   Much is talked about in organisations about values. Less is talked about regarding value. Confused? This is a common situation. Values are something believed, followed, enacted and demonstrated. They are virtues, principles, philosophies about the world and what’s important…

Burning out or boring out?

Being bored only proves what inspires you, therefore what you enjoy. ~ Bob Kenerson (my father), said many times in my childhood It felt like déjà vu all over again. Ground hog day. The same work projects ticked along day after day, week after week. I was comfortable in my job, enjoying the team I…

Navigating the space between gigs

One of the times we need to be courageous, compassionate and connected in the world of work and business is when we are ‘between gigs’. In a world of work where our identity is often strongly tied to the title and workplace we currently inhabit – to have neither can seem to have lost status…