Mixing kindness into your workscape

Growing or developing in a work context is usually about skill and performance of vocational ability. How about extending this attention to emotional or psycho-social ability, like the character and practice of kindness?  How might you mix a cocktail of work activity with a strong serving of kindness? Setting your intentions It starts with intention.…

Negotiating for your dream workscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the lines between our professional and personal lives are blurring, giving rise to a new breed of career-minded individuals. We are the dreamers who seek to lead ourselves through the maze of work life and decisions, striving for a harmonious blend of a fulfilling job, side hustles, and the…

Creating safe spaces to inhabit in your workscape

Most conversations about psychological safety at work focus on how a leader will create conditions within a team context. That’s a great conversation to have. However, it’s not the only conversation to have.   Safety defined by self ‘Safety’ can be experienced in different flavours – influenced by personality, background and past experiences. To participate…

Surviving bullying in the workplace

Apparently, I am difficult. Apparently, people at work ‘walk on eggshells’ around me. Apparently, it’s ‘my way or the highway’, that my team are scared of me, that my clients find me inflexible. That I appear detached at work meetings and do not hang about for drinks and socialise at, or after work. That I…

Saying No

No. It’s a small word. It can have big impact. Are you using it effectively?   Me saying No to Others I say “No”. I say “No” to honour my values; to uphold my boundaries; and to focus my precious resources, and my intentions on what’s important. Earlier this year, I picked up a great book,…

The one thing I hate about working in Australia

Today marks five years in Australia for my partner and me. That’s five years of living and working in a country that represents the true land of opportunity to us. Disclaimer: I love Australia and Australians dearly, so if that annoys you, better stop reading now. I used to say that there has never been…