Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 3

Feeling scratchy? Just a little – not enough to leave your job – but enough that you’d like to spice things up in the organisation where you are working. Maybe intrapreneurship is something to give a go. In Part 1 of this series of 3 articles, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 2

So you have an entrepreneurial itch? Here’s something that might help you with that. This is Part 2 of a series of 3 articles: In Part 1, I introduced the notion of the entrepreneur and being entrepreneurial for yourself while being an employee of an organisation. In this article (Part 2), let’s explore scratching your…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 1

Want to do something more than you are currently doing? Got ideas that float around in your head but they aren’t something for your current workplace? Not concerned about getting wide-spread approval for your idea? You may have latent potential to be an …. Entrepreneur! What’s that you say!? The term “entrepreneur” was introduced by…