The perks of being unavailable

“The perks of being unavailable” is the title [1] of a podcast episode in the series, What’s Essential by Greg McKeown. Greg and his work came to my attention last year when I read his book: Essentialism, The discipline of doing less. A key takeaway for me from the book was about boundaries. In particular,…

The need for self-care in your workscape

Care needs to begin with self – just like the putting on of a mask in an airplane. When flying we are reminded to attend to our own oxygen masks first – to take care of ourselves – before assisting with others. There’s a clear reason for this, we can only give appropriate care, if…

The power of one word to feel better

Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to Bill. And not an eye in the room was tear-free! Bill’s an incredible human. He’s successfully recovered from a stroke. Now saying this doesn’t mean it was easy. It’s been a five-year journey and it continues. The particular story Bill shared was a powerful reminder of how…

Thriving People, Thriving Workscapes

Each September in Australia we have R U OK? Day  The mission of RU OK? is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. The initiative does a fabulous job raising awareness around mental health and helping people…