Welcome to the green room

I was recently talking to someone and found myself using the green room as an analogy for a period of waiting. Green rooms came into being in the world of theatre; they are rooms backstage where performers hang out while they’re waiting to perform, sort of like a theatrical lounge room. I used to be…

A big experiment in my workscape

The COVID-19 pandemic created conditions in which experimentation was a useful way to figure out how I might do things differently in my workscape. It is said that ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. In Jan 2021, I found myself contemplating a year ahead without clarity of what steps to take. In 2020 I had…

Turning ‘being adrift’ into an adventure

The ‘pandemic of 2020’ has disrupted our personal and work lives. For some, this disruption has been to be cut adrift, to be untethered, from an organisation or employment. So much daily structure, personal identity, and validation comes from having a job. To be adrift is functionally unsettling: routines are lost; skills are not used;…

SU lens on Talent Trends Report: Part 2

This is the second article in a two-part series, as I shine a Self unLimited lens on the contents of the Annual Global Talent Trends Report (2020) published by Mercer. Read Part 1.   It’s great to have research to signal what talent trends are taking place and what responses might be appropriate to such…

How to leave a job: C. Transitioning to a new job

This third article in a 3-part series about How to leave a job.  The first two articles are A. Making the decision to leave and B. Exiting yourself from the job.  This article focuses on the space of transitioning to a new job. C. Transitioning to a new job It’s like you’re swinging on trapezes –…

How to leave a job: A. Making a decision to leave

There’s much advice written about How to get a job. Not a lot about How to leave a job. There’s a couple aspects to this activity: A. Making a decision to leave (though sometimes this decision might be made for you) B. Exiting yourself from the job C. Transitioning to a new job We cover…

Welcome aboard your flight to the Future of Work

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Your Work Airways on this flight from the Present to the Future of Work. Before we take off there are a few preparations I’d like to run you through to minimise anxiety and maximise possibility on your journey. You might note that our plane is not yet fully built, such…