A tale of a diverse workscape

Once upon a time in a bustling medium-sized city, there lived a woman named Mia. Mia was a dedicated business analyst at a local bank, a mother of two lively children, and a daughter to an aging father with dementia. Despite her seemingly full plate, Mia often found herself gazing out the window of her…

Scratching your entrepreneurial itch – Part 1

Want to do something more than you are currently doing? Got ideas that float around in your head but they aren’t something for your current workplace? Not concerned about getting wide-spread approval for your idea? You may have latent potential to be an …. Entrepreneur! What’s that you say!? The term “entrepreneur” was introduced by…

Get ready to shape an organisation’s conversation about EVP

  The limits of my language means the limits of my world. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein   Much is talked about in organisations about values. Less is talked about regarding value. Confused? This is a common situation. Values are something believed, followed, enacted and demonstrated. They are virtues, principles, philosophies about the world and what’s important…

Burning out or boring out?

Being bored only proves what inspires you, therefore what you enjoy. ~ Bob Kenerson (my father), said many times in my childhood It felt like déjà vu all over again. Ground hog day. The same work projects ticked along day after day, week after week. I was comfortable in my job, enjoying the team I…

Learning to share; sharing to learn

What do you do with the knowledge and insights that you have? I’ve recently come to value a habit or practice of mine that I thought was normal but now realise is unique. I’d like to share it with you and invite you to join me in a world-changing behaviour! Can you recall a moment…

How to leave a job: C. Transitioning to a new job

This third article in a 3-part series about How to leave a job.  The first two articles are A. Making the decision to leave and B. Exiting yourself from the job.  This article focuses on the space of transitioning to a new job. C. Transitioning to a new job It’s like you’re swinging on trapezes –…

A value-based approach to shaping your workscape

People often say they want to work with, or for someone, where they feel valued. However, Value isn’t the same thing for everyone. What is Value specifically for you? What things are evidence that you are being valued? What is Valuable to you when it comes to the work you do? An Exchange of Value…

A Break Up Letter to an Organisation

Dear John Pty Ltd Well, this is awkward. I’m not sure how to say this. But things haven’t been right for a while between us. We’ve had some stupid rows over cleaning up the mugs in the staff kitchen and where we should go for the Christmas party, little things like that. We just carry…